ROFA Deutschland GmbH

Auto Sampler Design

with a variety of functions

Change within two minutes!

Any of the various column sizes

Excellent performance and a surprising simplicity in servicing and maintenance make distillation jobs as simple as possible.


Maximum of flexibility in standard or custom tailored constructions

The sophisticated framework concept offers a maximum of flexibility in standard or custom tailored constructions. EuroDist Plants ASTM D2892 / D5236 are constructed modularly, thus fast to assemble or dismantle. Our philosophy is not to hide, but to show all parts of the plant. This allows seeing into the plant function and minimises service time. The plant can stand right in front of a wall; with all services carried out from the front of the unit. Valuable laboratory space can therefore be saved.

ROFA Germany has several excellent references around the world.

ROFA produces distillation plants in sizes ranging from 100 ml to 250 litres.

You have questions, wishes or suggestions? 
Please contact us!


ROFA EuroDist System Laboratory Distillation Plants ASTM D 2892 and D 5236

ROFA Germany produces distillation plants in sizes ranging from 100 ml to 250 litres. With over 100 units sold from 2002 to 2009, the brand name EuroDist has spread all around the world. Excellent performance and a surprising simplicity in servicing and maintenance make distillation jobs as simple as possible. Safety features, which include the monitoring of most common process gases, fire or smoke detection and a redundant safety concept in soft- and hardware control support today’s laboratory safety requirements.

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